Born in Tokyo in 1940, Taguchi trained as a metalsmith under his father after majoring in metalwork at Tokyo Metropolitan Kogei High School. Taguchi is known for the compositional simplicity of his works, as he uses complex lines that provide the viewer with a diverse range of perspectives from different angles. He utilizes a material known as shibuichi, a metal-alloy comprised of silver and copper that is unique to Japan. During the process of making the work, the metal shrinks and expands to the artist’s desired shape by using shibori and nobashi techniques. During this process, Taguchi hammers the metal with patience and endurance causing the “hammer prints” that are characteristic to Taguchi’s work.
Slected Public Exhibitions:
2020 Asia Week | New York
2019 The 66th Japan Traditional Kōgei Exhibition | Japan
2018 Living National Treasure Exhibition, MOA Museum of Modern Art | Shizuoka, Japan
Selected Public Collections
The Metropolitan Museum of Art | New York
MOA Museum of Modern Art | Shizuoka, Japan
Jingu Museum | Ise, Japan
Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan